Hedge Fund Monitor


 Size measures capture the magnitude of hedge fund investments at a point in time (stock measures) and scale of transactions over time (flow measures). Hedge funds that are large may adversely affect financial markets and counterparties during periods of stress. Examples of size metrics include gross assets, net assets, and gross notional exposures.

Short-term interest rate futures (DV01)

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The data are compiled from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Traders in Financial Futures (TFF) combined options and futures report. See additional definitions and methodology on the CFTC Traders in Financial Futures Data Sets page of the Hedge Fund Monitor.

DV01 is dollar value of a one basis point change in yield. The series displayed are the product of the net number of contracts held by leveraged funds and the fixed DV01 of short-term interest rate futures. Data for eurodollar futures is unavailable after June 13, 2023. Leveraged funds are typically hedge funds and various types of money managers, including registered commodity trading advisors (CTAs), registered commodity pool operators (CPOs), or unregistered funds identified by the CFTC.

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Suggested Citation

Office of Financial Research, "Hedge Fund Monitor," refreshed monthly and quarterly, https://www.financialresearch.gov/hedge-fund-monitor/ (accessed March 27, 2025).