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Monitoring Tools

Our monitoring tools provide insight into various market segments, and data can be downloaded.

Active Monitors

Hedge Fund Monitor (Updated Monthly and Quarterly)

This monitor presents a set of interactive charts that provide insights into different characteristics of hedge funds, broken down into six categories: size, leverage, counterparties, liquidity, complexity, and risk management

Financial Stress Index (Updated Daily)

This index is a daily market-based snapshot of stress in global markets. The index is positive when stress levels are above average and negative when stress levels are below average

U.S. Money Market Fund Monitor (Updated Monthly)

This monitor tracks the investment portfolios of money market funds by funds' asset types, investments in different countries, counterparties, and other characteristics.

Short-term Funding Monitor (Updated Daily)

This monitor presents a set of curated charts, broken down into four categories, that provide insights into different dimensions of how short-term funding markets are functioning.

Bank Systemic Risk Monitor (Updated Quarterly)

This monitor presents key measures of systemic risks posed by the largest banks. These measures include systemic-importance scores for international and U.S. banks, the OFR's Contagion Index, and more.

We offer a suite of tools to assess, measure, and monitor risks across the financial system. These tools constitute a monitoring toolkit that indicates vulnerabilities within the financial system. We refine the tools over time, periodically incorporating new data and information.

Our monitoring tools help to measure and analyze risks across the financial system—from stress in global financial markets with the Financial Stress Index to vulnerabilities in short-term funding markets with the Short-term Funding Monitor. The Bank Systemic Risk Monitor helps to measure the loss that could spill over to the rest of the financial system from the failure of a large bank, and the Money Market Fund Monitor sheds light on money market funds’ exposure to risks.

Developer's APIs

Short Term Funding API Overview

Hedge Fund API Overview

Legal Entity Identifier
(LEI) Tracker


total LEIs issued

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Research & Analysis

Analysis of the financial market and the risks it contains

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Data & Standards

Our data supports the Financial Stability Oversight Council

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Inactive Monitors

G-SIB Scores Interactive Chart

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, a group of bank supervisors from 28 jurisdictions, created a set of 12 financial indicators in 2011 to identify global systemically important banks (G-SIBs). A G-SIB is a bank whose failure could pose a threat to the international financial system. Compared with other banks, a bank designated as a G-SIB must hold more risk-based capital to enhance its resilience and is subject to additional regulatory oversight.

Financial Markets Monitor

The Financial Markets Monitor reviewed themes and developments in financial markets. This monitor reflected our staff’s best interpretation of financial market developments and views. Staff views on market developments now appear in our blog.

Financial System Vulnerabilities Monitor

The Financial System Vulnerabilities Monitor was a heat map of 58 indicators of potential vulnerabilities in the U.S. financial system, organized into six categories: macroeconomic, market, credit, solvency and leverage, funding and liquidity, and contagion.