December 5, 2012 meeting of the Financial Research Advisory Committee


The inaugural meeting of the Financial Research Advisory Committee included introductions of committee members, an overview of the committee, OFR updates, and other topics of discussion.


Department of the Treasury, Washington, D.C

​10:00 a.m.
Introduction and Overview of Committee

Andrea Ianniello, Designated Federal Officer
Richard Berner, Counselor to the Secretary
Lewis Alexander, Chair of the Committee

​10:10 a.m.
Committee Member Introductions

Andrea Ianniello, Designated Federal Officer
Committee Members

​10:30 a.m.
Overview of Financial Stability Oversight Council

Amias Gerety, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Financial Stability Oversight Council

Overview of Office of Financial Research (OFR)

Richard Berner, Counselor to the Secretary

OFR Presentations and Discussion

Matthew Reed, Chief Counsel, OFR
Jonathan Sokobin, Acting Deputy Director, Research & Analysis Center
Dessa Glasser, Deputy Director, Data Center

​11:30 a.m.
Remarks to the Committee

Neal S. Wolin, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

​12:00 p.m.

Lunch and Subcommittee Sessions | Media Room

​12:15 p.m.
Orientation - Overview of FACA and Ethics Briefing

Rochelle Granat, Office of the General Counsel
Matthew Reed, Chief Counsel, OFR

​1:30 a.m.
Concurrent Subcommittee Discussions

Anil Kashyap, Research Subcommittee Chair
Michael Atkin, Data & Technology Subcommittee Chair
Clinton Lively, Financial Services & Risk Management Subcommittee Chair

​3:00 p.m.

Afternoon Session (Open to Public) | Cash Room/ Webcast

​3:30 p.m.
Closing Discussion and Remarks

Andrea Ianniello, Designated Federal Officer
Richard Berner, Counselor to the Secretary
Anil Kashyap, Research Subcommittee Chair
Michael Atkin, Data & Technology Subcommittee Chair
Clinton Lively, Financial Services & Risk Management Subcommittee Chair

​4:30 p.m.
Subcommittee Rapporteur Session

Lewis Alexander, Chair of the Committee
Don Kohn, Vice-Chair of the Committee
Richard Berner, Counselor to the Secretary
Andrea Ianniello, Designated Federal Officer

​5:00 p.m.